Our Sod

Bermuda Tifway 419

The traditional standard for golf courses, sporting fields and residential lawns.

Celebration Bermuda

A popular choice of grass for residential lawns, athletic fields, and golf courses.

Tif Tuf Bermuda

Known for its superior drought and wear tolerance while sustaining exceptional turf quality.

Emerald Zoysia

Perfect for beautiful home lawns, golf courses, commercial jobs, parks and more

Meyer Zoysia

Also known as Z-52 zoysia, this is one of the oldest zoysia grasses on the market.

Zorro Zoysia

Was ranked #1 among zoysia’s in the National Turf Grass Evaluation Program.

Zeon Zoysia

The #1 selling Zoysia in America. Zeon is a fine bladed Zoysia with beautiful dark green leaves.

Empire Zoysia

Known for its excellent drought tolerance and reduced watering needs.


Also known as Eremochloaophiuroides, known for being a very low maintenance grass and slow growing.


A cool season turf grass that stays green year round.

St. Augstine

A very popular sod turf grass for warm weather climates in the southeast.

Office Locations

Corporate Address
450-A Century Park South, Suite 105
Birmingham, AL 35226

Contact Us

Birmingham Office: 205-568-5825
Atlanta Office: 678-750-3492
Toll Free: 888-SOD-9727

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday: 8-5pm EST


Simply Sod

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